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[Το κείμενο διατίθεται μόνο στα Αγγλικά] ###b###ARTISTS' BACKGROUND###/b###

Audiovisual Landscapes...

Ilia Mayer (Musician and Painter) and Karla Kracht (Visual Artist) meet in 2008 during the production of La Cena, a dance theatre piece by NNaranja, where they are in charge of the audiovisual creation for the show. Quickly they discover common interests in sonic and visual arts, the language of image and sound, improvisational part of live-art forms, and the collaborative practices in the creation process....
[Το κείμενο διατίθεται μόνο στα Αγγλικά] ###b###ARTISTS' BACKGROUND###/b###

Audiovisual Landscapes...

Ilia Mayer (Musician and Painter) and Karla Kracht (Visual Artist) meet in 2008 during the production of La Cena, a dance theatre piece by NNaranja, where they are in charge of the audiovisual creation for the show. Quickly they discover common interests in sonic and visual arts, the language of image and sound, improvisational part of live-art forms, and the collaborative practices in the creation process.

Their first individual collaboration is the audiovisual performance “shadows”, which they present at the festival “FunDub” in Barcelona in may 2009. Since then they are constantly working on audiovisual projects in form of performance and improvisation, where they implement their common ideals.

They expose and perform in a variety of festivals, art spaces and galleries all over the world, amongst others Alhóndiga Bilbao; Documenta, Kassel - Germany; Festival Vad, Girona _Spain; Dies de Dansa - Spain ; Festival Grec, Barcelona - Spain; Sonar; CCCB, Barcelona - Spain; Festival Mecal, Barcelona - Spain; Carmichael Gallery, West Hollywood, L.A - USA; The Cans Festival, London - UK; At.tension - Germany; Festival Fiar - Portugal; Festival de Aurillac - France, Botanique Museum, Brussels - Belgium; Fabbrica Europa Festival, Florence - Italy.


In their audiovisual performances they spontaneously generate and remix low-tech visuals and sounds in real time. Each session is an improvised exploration of the audiovisual and narrative composition. Carefully selected elements of sound and image, that - during the show- build up from fragmented miniscule segments to an entirely rich landscape of dreams and imagination, submerging into a journey through these. The performances are unique, for each presentation they prepare a new concept including sonic and visual material that build up to a single interwoven opus.

###b###ilia mayer###/b###

* 1975 Barcelona.

Ilia Mayer is a visual artist and musician. Studies in Barcelona and London. He works as part of the street art collective BTOY, experimenting with unusual techniques. His paintings have been exhibited in galleries worldwide.

As sound artist he works with dance companies, and artists of a variety of disciplines, creating sonic landscapes for video, dance, and making concerts.

As musical compositor he works with the dance companies Erre Q Erre, Malqueridas Lipi Hernandez, Victor Zambrana, La Taimada, Nuria Legarda, Africa Navarro i David Espinosa, Celras, Mónica Extremiana.

Co-creates the music label Disboot.

Musical creations for "ADN/DNI" and "Tantanyo", "Barcelona- New York", Overspray", New York, "Mikosa Magazine", Amsterdam.

As illustrator and painter he has exhibitions in galleries in Barcelona, London, West Hollywood, Menorca, Brussels, Mexico DF.

Live Shows in festivals in Barcelona, Paris, Brussels, London, Madrid, Mexico.

###b###karla kracht ###/b###(artistic name of Alex Zitzmann)

born 1975 in Germany.

Kracht is a visual artist, working in video, illustration and animation. Educated in Germany, Spain and the UK, she lives and works in Barcelona. Her video-installations and live video performances and illustrations have been exhibited in numerous festivals, art spaces and galleries around Europe, amongst others at Documenta, Kassel, Germany; Caixa Forum, Palma de Mallorca, Fabbrica Europa Festival, Florence, Italia, Yogyakarta International Video Work festival, Indonesia; her illustrations have been featured in several magazines around the world.

Exploring tensions between time, space and place, different reality levels, she humorously creates new connections, addressing a collective memory.

As a video artist she collaborates with the company Senza Tempo. She formed the videoart collective Pixelbirds, collaborates with El Palomar, musicians, dance companies and dancers, architects, visual artists and programers. Since 2008 she works with Ilia Mayer, making audiovisual concerts.

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