Επιστροφή στην κορυφή


  • AV Performance
  • Live Cinema (Narrative)
  • Experimental Electronics
  • 4859 Προβολές
  • Μου αρέσει
[Το κείμενο διατίθεται μόνο στα Αγγλικά] TYPO#4 is a performance of visual poetry in which the words of a poet are transformed into musical notes and images. The sounds that we hear, and the visual story that unfolds in front of us, do not depend on a musical or narrative intention; are solely determined by the sequence of letters, words, verses and expressive pauses. The protagonist of the performance is an old Olivetti typewriter of the ‘60s, whose keys are wired and connected to a computer. Through the use of an interaction design software, each key of the machine - and then every letter of the alphabet - produces a precise combination of notes and generative sounds, and at the same time triggers a video clip associated with that particular letter. In this way the old Olivetti typewriter is concurrently a writing mechanical device, a generative musical instrument and video mixer.
Pictures, notes, generative media (sound or visual), mix with the rhythmic beats of the keys, and are woven according to the words that I type on the keyboard. And so I find that there are sentences intensely melodic and poignant. The first session of TYP-O is dedicated to the verses of my most beloved poet, Walt Whitman.
In its latest version, the performance involves the interaction with the audience and the presence on stage of two identical Olivetti typewriters, both connected to the computer. People are invited, one by one, to sit in front of me and write something on the typewriter in front of them (a thought, a poem, a confession, a secret), thus participating in a sort of typing "concerto for two hands".
promo video of performance: https://vimeo.com/179941157
website: https://vimeo.com/179941157

Διάρκεια (λεπτά)


Τι χρειάζεται

2 video projectors (minimum 3,000 / 5,000 ANSI lumen depending on the location).
performance space (minimum size 5X5 meters) with white walls (to avoid projection screens), or the presence of structures on the ceiling where to hang "holographic" theatrical scrims (the scrims would be provided by the artist).
stereo speakers of appropriate quality depending on the location + audio mixer (the presence of a sound technician that knows the equipment is required)

  • AV Performance
  • Live Cinema (Narrative)
  • Experimental Electronics


Francesca Fini
Francesca Fini

Italy Roma

Βίντεο (1)