Επιστροφή στην κορυφή

Zyklus des Lebens

  • AV Performance
  • Live Cinema (Narrative)
  • Electroacoustic
  • 2209 Προβολές
  • Μου αρέσει
Zyklus des Lebens
[Το κείμενο διατίθεται μόνο στα Αγγλικά] It was a day in August. I was setting up for an event the next day and the film "Pi" about a man searching for the world formula was playing. I had all kinds of thoughts in my head, my girlfriend was with me and we were watching the film. At some point, someone present built a bag and lit it. I stood right next to it and inhaled a light whiff. I hadn't smoked for ages, and I didn't want to take a drag from the bag, but just inhaled that one whiff. After the film was over and we had set everything up, we went to sleep. In the middle of the night, I started having weird dreams. It started with me seeing my birth and how I grew up, all in fast motion. It all happened very quickly and somehow it was such a basic feeling. I saw myself and saw myself a thousand times, it became denser and denser. I came to myself and expanded into everything, I broke and put myself back together. I saw life before me and life after me, I saw my grandfather, I saw my father, I saw my mother, I saw my child. I saw generations succeeding each other in faster and faster succession, and it wasn't a timeline, it wasn't a directed being. It was a circle, a circuit, and this circuit became ever denser, the circle became ever faster and more frantic. The merry-go-round saw several generations fly by and pass away within seconds. It was enthralling, I didn't want to stop now. Something warned me not to go on, but I didn't want to stop, I wanted to get behind it. What would come now? It was always another step and another, bigger arch opened up. A stone became a grain of sand and the grain of sand was ground up in the water to become nutrients, tiny particles, which in turn were taken up by plankton and plants. These plants served as the basis for larger plants and animals, these animals organised themselves into small associations and groups, families and herds developed. Knowledge was communicated, with and against each other, to chase a goal. This goal was exaggerated and a belief arose in the group, and this belief ended in true divinity. And everything in the end entered into the infinite, which again became nothingness. The nothingness from which the light sprang and the stone. And the stone became a grain of sand again. This cycle turned faster and faster: stone, sand, plant, animal, group, communication, faith, divinity, infinity, nothingness, light, stone, sand, plant, animal, group, communication, faith, divinity, infinity, nothingness, light ... faster and faster. I saw everything come into being and pass away, I saw everything become and pass away again, a cycle, everything in the cycle of time. And just as there was one small cycle, there were several larger cycles. And the cycles repeated themselves and an ever larger arc was stretched out, an arc that was unimaginably large. And then the image paused. It was as if the circle stopped turning, as if it stopped rotating. And I saw very clearly the nine cycles of life: first, nothingness. And from nothingness comes light. From the light comes form and matter, which in turn is animated by the animated units. These organise themselves and communicate with each other. Through this communication they arrive at a belief, they believe. And at the end of the faith is the insight into divinity. And this divinity ends in infinity and then again in nothingness. This cycle was so clear. I woke up and thought: you don't want to forget that again, you can't forget that again, oh that doesn't exist at all! It was so clear, so definite: this was the cycle that everything is based on! That day my life changed. I was elated. It was five o'clock still something in the morning, I was elated and got up. I was curious who I would meet first after this experience, after this enlightenment, this insight. I met no one, everything was asleep. I made myself a coffee. And I drank the coffee and still hung on to the dream. It was so present, it was so clear, it spoke to me so. The answer I had been waiting for for so long had been given to me.
The Veejayfilm, the AV performance cycle of life. This Live Cinema is a mashup of different video sequences from different films and recordings. It not only quotes great works of film history, but cleverly combines them with Veejay art of the 2000 years. It is a performance that does not serve conventional viewing habits. Rather, the viewer's experiences and impressions are elicited to interpret what is seen. An interaction of the images with the viewer is created and everyone can experience their own story.


Διάρκεια (λεπτά)


Τι χρειάζεται

- Stereo DI Box
- Projector with HDMI
- Table 1m x 2m
- Power connection

Τι φέρνουν οι καλλιτέχνες

Videomixer with analog Feedbackmixer
2 Laptops
3 MidiController

  • AV Performance
  • Live Cinema (Narrative)
  • Electroacoustic


Kurt Komell
Kurt Komell

Germany Jena


LPM 2023 Münster
LPM 2023 Münster
Δευτέρα, 17 Απριλίου 2023

Βίντεο (1)