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Markus Mehr and Stefanie Sixt
[Το κείμενο διατίθεται μόνο στα Αγγλικά] Markus Mehr and Stefanie Sixt founded their audiovisual band in 2009. They have been discovering how the interaction of music/sound and visuals takes the audience with them on an unusual journey. The associations of each recipient are singular according to his or her background. This experience is especially accentuated by the atypicality of the complimentary mix of organic and artificial music in conjunction with the strong and rhythmic visual work.

Bio Stefanie Sixt...
[Το κείμενο διατίθεται μόνο στα Αγγλικά] Markus Mehr and Stefanie Sixt founded their audiovisual band in 2009. They have been discovering how the interaction of music/sound and visuals takes the audience with them on an unusual journey. The associations of each recipient are singular according to his or her background. This experience is especially accentuated by the atypicality of the complimentary mix of organic and artificial music in conjunction with the strong and rhythmic visual work.

Bio Stefanie Sixt

After her studies of art and communication-design in the Netherlands and Germany Stefanie Sixt founded her label sixt sense in 2000. She has produced numerous commercial and non-commercial short films, as well as conceptual visual arts, audiovisual live performances and video installations. Working in different genres (music video, imagefilms, 2d animation, audiovisual stage events,...), living in different cities, ie: Berlin, Cologne or Philadelphia, PA and traveling has influenced her way of producing.

Diverse experiences led to multifaceted productions. Stefanie Sixt mixes different techniques according to the subject. sixt sense produces 2D animations, photographs, film footage and integrates found footage if necessary.

Sixt sense has won several awards, like the Special Award of IF Design, Hannover or twice the Silver Award of ITVA, Frankfurt. Her films were shown at different festivals, as CYNET (Dresden), 5th and 7th Berlin International Directors Lounge, European Media Art Festival (Osnarbrueck), Passions Church (Berlin), Schaezler Palais (Municipal Art Collection, Augsburg)

Bio Markus Mehr

Markus Mehr had started making music back in the 80ies. Originally coming from a popular music background associated with several album releasese he´s been recently discovering his passion for artificial music.

Shifting towards a musically experimental electonic field lead to the album „Lava“ published by Hidden Shoal Recordings in May 2010.

The focus on his current work are canons and mantra-like compositions. For the creation of unique sounds he´s using different technical devices, for instance shavers on electric guitars, i-phone apps or laptop.

Markus Mehr and Stefanie Sixt performed at:

01/07/2011 MS Stubnitz- Hamburg, Germany

12/05/2010 Madeiradig- Music and Art Festival, Madeira, Portugal

11/06/2010 VJ Festival Erlangen, Germany

11/05/2010 lab30 Media Art Festival, Augsburg, Germany

10/23/2010 H2 - Museum for Contemporary Art, Augsburg, Germany

08/15/2010 Passions Church, Berlin, Germany

08/14/2010 Gallery Systm (Digital in Berlin) - Berlin, Germany

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Stefanie Sixt

Stefanie Sixt

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