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Tagtool videos

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Σχετικά με

[Το κείμενο διατίθεται μόνο στα Αγγλικά] Tagtool live painting and transition of the digital image into stereoscopic 3D. Workshop will let people experience both tagtool live painting technique and processing the output data into stereoscopic environment, using DIY controllers. Workshop by British painter Frances Sander and stop motion media artist Dima Berzon. Frances and Dima are working together with tagtool since 2009. In 2013 they presented stereoscopic tagtool projection Dreamscape In Three Movements.


  • Ονομα αρχείου: prague-lightbombing-tagtool-session-lunchmeat-2011-on-vime_mp4.mp4
  • Μέγεθος αρχείου: 91.37 MB
  • Διάρκεια αρχείου: 00:04:41
  • Διαστάσεις βίντεο: 1280x720


  • DOCS

Σχετικά με

[Το κείμενο διατίθεται μόνο στα Αγγλικά] Tagtool live painting and transition of the digital image into stereoscopic 3D. Workshop will let people experience both tagtool live painting technique and processing the output data into stereoscopic environment, using DIY controllers. Workshop by British painter Frances Sander and stop motion media artist Dima Berzon. Frances and Dima are working together with tagtool since 2009. In 2013 they presented stereoscopic tagtool projection Dreamscape In Three Movements.




Czechia Prague, Libušín


Tagtool: painting in 3D [150€]

Tagtool: painting in 3D [150€]



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