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Σχετικά με

[Το κείμενο διατίθεται μόνο στα Αγγλικά] Learn how to build a touch-screen visualizer tool for an iPad or even iPhone, using a combination of Processing for JS, XCODE, and HTML5 to iOS compilers. Programming environment is Mac OSX and XCODE with the Cordova HTML5 compiler. Special consideration will be paid to UX and UI design concepts for touch specific device configurations, using 3rd party libraries such as JQuery Mobile.

Requirements: XCODE, Apache Cordova, Processing, iDevice such as iPad or iPhone


  • Ονομα αρχείου: visualtouchdemosm__mp4.mp4
  • Μέγεθος αρχείου: 25.92 MB
  • Διάρκεια αρχείου: 00:01:21
  • Διαστάσεις βίντεο: 1024x768


  • DOCS

Σχετικά με

[Το κείμενο διατίθεται μόνο στα Αγγλικά] Learn how to build a touch-screen visualizer tool for an iPad or even iPhone, using a combination of Processing for JS, XCODE, and HTML5 to iOS compilers. Programming environment is Mac OSX and XCODE with the Cordova HTML5 compiler. Special consideration will be paid to UX and UI design concepts for touch specific device configurations, using 3rd party libraries such as JQuery Mobile.

Requirements: XCODE, Apache Cordova, Processing, iDevice such as iPad or iPhone


Eric Medine

Eric Medine

Germany Berlin


Generative Visuals for iPad using ProcessingJS

Generative Visuals for iPad using ProcessingJS

Eric Medine

Eric Medine

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